Libby Carstensen


Change is constant and changes we didn't ask for can leave us feeling chaotic. Here's where Libby Carstensen can help. She's been a Master Educator at Chopra (as is Deepak Chopra), an executive and life coach, a kundalini yoga teacher, and a meditation and mindfulness teacher specializing in grief and loss.

Libby's meditation themes reveal the possibility of emotional healing and spiritual awakening amid change through mindful practices, loving awareness, and practicing compassion in our inner and outer worlds.

What we make change mean can lead us to expand or contract. Through Libby's online classes, workshops, and programs, she will show you how to make peace with what's happened in the past to create sustainable change available in the present.

Don't just feel better; get better at feeling!

Why I practice meditation:

I practice meditation because of the impact on my brain, body, and being. By practicing meditation, I have learned to stay calm in uncertainty and bring a quality of presence to my interactions. I can consistently stay in a place of choice vs. a prisoner of past conditioning. Who I am now is a result of my past practice, and who I am becoming is a result of my discipline. Meditation works!

Why I teach meditation:

I love witnessing students move from contraction to expansion in how they experience the world. You can't un-experience yourself after practicing meditation. A filter of perception alters, so we can't go back to thinking, feeling, and behaving unconsciously in the same old way ever again. A life worth living is a life well-examined one meditation at a time.


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