7 Ways To Enhance Your Personal Training Sessions With Mindfulness

Want to help your personal training clients grow to an even more expansive level? Enter online meditation teacher training. Yes, the majority of personal training work is physical, but incorporating a mindfulness component can radically amplify your clients’ results. It can also help amp up your teaching methods in a whole new way, resulting in clients who are happier and calmer than ever.

Meditation can help improve exercise by sharpening your focus, boosting your mood, and helping identify your motivation. Mental health and physical health are often so closely intertwined, so it only makes sense that when your mind improves, so does your body. There are myriad ways you can incorporate meditation into your fitness training sessions for the better.

The key is finding the best online meditation teacher training program for fitness professionals. No matter how you plan to work meditation into your training sessions, you want a program that is cohesive enough to teach all that you need while offering flexible enough training that you’re able to implement it into your fitness work.

Uplevel Yourself: the Benefits of Choosing the Best Online Meditation Teacher Training Program For Fitness Professionals

Here are some great ways to implement your meditation teacher training into your fitness personal training sessions.

-Don’t stop at the neck! Fitness extends beyond the body into the mind. You can help clients access this by leading quick meditations before or after exercise sessions. These bookend meditations can help your client get focused, solidify their intentions for the workout, or help them decompress after breaking a sweat.

-Shift your language. Something we focus on a lot in online meditation teacher training is the word choice we use to address our clients. For example, when giving an instruction, instead of saying “I want you to…” we like to say “Let’s…” This helps ensure clients don’t feel like they’re being told what to do in an uncomfortable way. This same principle can transfer over to how you guide training sessions as well when you’re telling clients to do physically difficult tasks.

-Notice what energy you bring into the session. Set your own energy before walking into the room with your client by meditating before your training sessions. In meditation teacher training, we talk a lot about how to get your own energy sorted before starting a session, and how to plan your guided meditation ahead of time so you don’t get “thrown off” by any stressful energy student might bring into the studio. These practices can help you be ready to manage all types of energy, stress, and personalities to lead a fitness session that’s beneficial no matter what.

-Be present with your clients. Regular meditation can increase attention span, so it can help you be right there in the moment with every single client. There won’t be any doubt in your client’s mind that you’re there for them for every step of their fitness journey.

-Incorporate body awareness into your sessions. It goes without saying that fitness is all about being aware of your body, but you can take that practice to a whole new level with meditation teacher training. In meditation, we often conduct mental body scans or spend time feeling the sensations of living within our bodies. When you incorporate this knowledge into your training sessions, you can help your clients really dive deep into how they are feeling through each workout, and help them feel the benefits of their reps in a whole new way. This type of body awareness transforms the positive sensations of exercise, and also makes it easier to notice when something feels off or painful. It can help you and your clients determine when to power through difficulty and when to stop for safety.

-Offer bits of wisdom in each session. In online meditation teacher training, we encourage budding teachers to think ahead of time about what lesson they want clients to leave their meditation session with. We encourage them to condense these lessons into quick sound bites so clients can easily remember the lessons in the midst of their deep meditative concentration, and long after they leave the session. These ideas can be a great boon to your fitness training sessions too: you can offer up clients with a simple, bite-sized mantra at the beginning of the session that they can draw on when their workout gets tough. It can help keep them focused on their goals and on the lesson that persevering through each workout provides.

-Encourage gratitude! Meditation increases gratitude, and that’s a great emotion to draw on during training sessions. Feeling grateful for all that our bodies can do can propel positive emotion into difficult parts of exercise sessions. That gratitude is also a great reminder that setting aside time for exercise is more than worth it.

To learn more about our online meditation teacher training, check out our free demo HERE