Chris Keener


Goldenair guide and creator Chris Keener is a dancer, yogi, meditator, surfer, and kung-fu practitioner who believes embodiment is foremost in well-being. As the director and executive producer of the Netflix series ‘We Speak Dance’, he works across borders motivating conscious movements and blowing up dance floors. As host for outlets like National Geographic and Travel Channel, he specializes in educating in a way that is accessible, actionable, and often quite hilarious. Constantly deep-diving into various breathwork traditions and the science behind them, he's on a mission to make these techniques available to everyone.

Why I practice meditation:

Breathwork has been the most valuable embodiment tool to bring more confidence, presence, and self-regard into my life. Through specific breathing techniques, I have access to an inexhaustible source of inner strength, and receive actionable guidance to keep my life on track.  

Why I teach meditation:

I am called to help people bring awareness to our own breath. Not only does that allow access to our subconscious mind for deep healing, but also helps eradicate anxiety, depression, addiction, and crippling self-doubt. I want to make breathwork more accessible to everyone - not just yogis and meditators, but skeptics, bros, CEO's, and the underserved, helping people align with their purpose, and strengthen our communal bonds.

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